I think that it's time to really push things over the line. In light of the events that have rocked the world, during this week of November, it seems that there's a greater need for solidarity. Human solidarity.
I'm reaching out to you not just as a friend, or a distant creative. I'm reaching out as a member of this greater global family. There's an awareness that needs to be brought about. It's not a message of war, or about aggressive countermeasures to whatever may be going on in whichever area. I stronlgy believe that humans in large part have forgotten themselves. If one were to understand that we're connected, that we're one unified front, independent of varied beliefs, the world would operate on a very different frequency. To you, I present a gift, and a token. I invite you to show the world your Realm. We are the foundation. Honest with no apology, be yourself entirely , show us your Realm. Yours, in all honesty. -Manikk.
MANIKKOn a journey. Searching for something. Sharing what's found. History
October 2024