With the current state of affairs, I'm finding it a bit tough to keep level.
I'm definitely optimistic, but the background noise has me noticeably uncomfortable. Headaches, Lack of sleep, chest tightness, it's almost like catching background radiation. It's strange though because in all of this I find myself wanting to make even more art. The times when things are off center, when the world is seeming like a big unclear mess, it all makes me want to say something. It makes me want to do something. Manikk Realm itself was born out of a time like this. Reaching in to the depths of the ether and pulling out something. Reality , truth , or insight, I'm not quite sure. All in all it's become my fingerprint. The truth of the world is that all is guided by thought. The diet, the intake does a lot for us. The mind leads the body, the food , is the fuel. So no matter what you're going through in times like this, remember, you can choose your perspective on the matters that surround you. Even if you're getting hit by this background radiation, remember your agency. (P.S. , here's an image of Bowser in his favourite spot. )
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MANIKKOn a journey. Searching for something. Sharing what's found. History
October 2024